Hunk of Meat Monday: Spicy Brown Sugar Lamb Chops

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February is National Lamb Lovers Month. I must admit, lamb is not a regular entrée at our house. However, with more of my farm friends having freezer lamb readily available, things are changing. My IRL and bloggy pal, Ott, A is having another iron chef competition over on her blog with the secret ingredient being lamb chops. So, of course, I am preparing a hunk of lamb at our house!

My little helper helped me pull together all the ingredients I needed.

Pretty simple, err, well, in my opinion. Just a little paprika, salt, pepper, curry powder, cinnamon, onion powder, Tabasco, garlic, and brown sugar.

 Mix together the spices. 1/4 teaspoon of curry, cinnamon, onion powder, pepper. 1/2 teaspoon paprika and salt. 2 cloves of garlic. 7 or 10 shakes of Tabasco. 1 tablespoon of brown sugar.

Mix completely together.

Then rub on both side of the lamb chops.

Refrigerate for an hour or two.

Now, I would have grilled them, but we don’t have any gas for our gas grill. So, instead I pan fried these.

And like any red meat, you must let your meat rest. Important otherwise you will lose all of your juice. We like our lamb like we like our beef, medium rare.

My little helper decided we should also have rice pilaf and broccoli.

And she loved it!

Interested in other yummy lamb recipes? Head over to the lamb challenge.
Have some hunk of meat recipes you would like to share this week? Link on up!

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  1. What gorgeous chops! Now that's the way to do lamb!

    I haven't eaten lamb since our honeymoon. It was a gorgeous rack in a French restaurant in the Carribean. Ahhh. Those were the days!

    I grew up eating a lot of lamb because we raised sheep on our farm. I was kind of "over it" for a while. This recipe makes me want to track down some lamb chops! Great entry for the contest. Good luck!

  2. Best lamb I ever had was during Dr. Neary's Sheep Production class my senior year at Purdue. Groups of students had to select a cut of lamb and prepare it. We all tried each other's dishes…….most lamb I ever ate at one sitting.

    And I didn't realize that a little bar-b-que sauce, a grill, and lamb chops could be so simple to fix and such a hit!

  3. Well this is definitely a recipe I am going to make as soon as we get the grill up and running again for the season. Thanks for sharing and linking up to the Iron Chef challenge

  4. Yummy, we eat lamb all the time (in fact I had lamb shanks last night). My SIL likes to show sheep, so we get a lamb each year. Will need to try this one.

  5. We love Lamb Chops or Rack of Lamb. Your Chop recipe looks really good. I brought my newly developed Baked Tilapia Cakes for you and your readers to enjoy. Thank you for sharing and hosting us today.

  6. I have never prepared lamb but both you and Ott A have peaked my interest. I just had a conversation with a Southern California woman about MEAT and she specifically talked about how high the market price of lamb is? I was clueless to know but directed her to this blog post for a great recipe to link to Ott A's lamb challenge!

  7. Gosh, it's been a long time since I've prepared lamb…..and I don't think I even knew what I was doing back then! Maybe it's time to try again….looks delicious!

  8. I never had lamb chops until this past year; and I must say that I've grown to enjoy it a lot. Your recipe looks wonderful! I see that there are other yummy looking lamb recipes that I simply must go look at, as well. Thank you for sharing!

  9. we don't eat much lamb around here ourselves, but your version might just give me the nudge i need to go buy a few chops. this looks incredible..and perfectly cooked, i might add! thank you for sharing with tuesday night supper club…and welcome!

  10. I'd really like to try cooking lamb. These don't look too difficult! I do prefer meat on the medium side rather than medium-rare … do you think that's OK with lamb, or will it not be as tender?

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